Breakthrough Workshop Presenters

manning phillips

Manning began his Breakthrough journey in 2005. Being a person who believed in doing things himself and depending on himself, Manning decided to join the Breakthrough workshop when he heard they offered to teach "tools for life".

Within a year of completing the workshop Manning was asked to join a workshop team supporting new men with their journey and as they say, the rest is history. Having served with every past and active Presenter to learn from the masters. Now after over 20 workshops, Manning continues to learn and grow as he actively works the material continuing a motto from undergraduate days in college - "learn by doing".

Manning continues to explore where the Breakthrough material can help others. In 2020 when Covid was at its peak, Manning designed and presented a Community Foundation of the Monterey Peninsula funded workshop on Resilience for Essential Workers. Most recently, he has begun to expand the Breakthrough curriculum in support of expectant and new fathers, for the eventual presentation with organizations such as the Parenting Connection.

arnold westphal

Arnold Westphal

In addition to serving Breakthrough as the Executive Director, Arnold is also a Breakthrough Workshop Presenter. After completing the workshop in 2018 Arnold knew there was more for him at Breakthrough. With his usual enthusiasm he took on training to teach the Breakthrough Workshop and joined ranks of Breakthrough presenters in 2020.  Presenting the workshop has become the most richly rewarding experience of his life.

As a lifelong musician, the workshop also allows him to weave song into his presentation. Providing another way to connect the men through sounds and lyric to this powerful work. Passionate, deep, engaging and empathetic are some of the words used to describe Arnold in action.

stuart Home

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Stuart went through the Breakthrough program in 2009 and started working on leadership teams in 2010.  He has previously served as an Ally, Small Group Leader, and Coordinator, and is now a Presenter for Breakthrough workshops.  Stuart worked closely with Breakthrough’s founder Fred Jealous when he revised much of the curriculum for the second half of the program in 2012-2013.  For many years Stuart has also served on the Workshop Leadership Council helping guide the development of the Breakthrough curriculum.  

One of Stuart’s strengths as a presenter is his ability to provide direct and easily understandable explanations of the Breakthrough concepts and how they apply to everyday life.  These are life tools that really work and that have made a difference in countless men’s lives.  Stuart finds great satisfaction in making these tools accessible to men from all walks of life who stand to benefit from the program.

Tom North

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Born on Whidbey Island in Washington State in 1953, Thomas R. North is a writer,
occasional poet, and full-time adventurer.   The author of True North, the Shocking Truth about Yours, Mine and Ours. Tom has walked what M. Scott Peck has described as “the road less travelled.”

Tom North is a 1979 graduate of Maharishi International University, and has maintained his daily practice of Transcendental Meditation since 1975. While a student at MIU, he studied Business Administration with a specialty in Investment Management and has been a financial advisor since 1980."

In 2012, Tom graduated from the Breakthrough for Men course in Seaside, and is a past member and chairman of the Board of Directors of Breakthrough. He is also on the leadership team, presenting classes and leading small group work. Tom is currently working on his second book, The Luckiest Man in China.

Dean Fahselt

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Dean Fahselt has been involved in Breakthrough since early 2018.   After completing the Breakthrough workshops, he went on become a small group leader in both 2019 and 2020.  In late 2020 he mentored under John Hain and became a Speaker in 2021.  Participating in Breakthrough workshops and being an active member of this community is both a practice and passion for Dean.  

Thomas Lee

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Thomas Lee graduated from Breakthrough in 1990 when it was called Options for Men, taught by founder Fred Jealous.  In the mid-1990’s he joined the Breakthrough staff as an “educator” and assisted classes with as many as 50 men.  Tom has acted as class presenter on numerous occasions, the earliest being 1998 and the most recent, 2021.  Thomas Lee has been involved in many men’s groups, but believes Breakthrough has the unique capacity for enormous and lasting positive transformation in men’s lives.  Pleased to bring music to the workshop, Mr. Lee has led many a song, including his signature tune “Viva La Amor”.

Tom is a retired meteorologist who still loves weather and checks his weather maps every day!  He enjoys the outdoors including hiking of hills and swimming year round.  A lover of music, he enjoys concerts, including the yearly Bach festival in Carmel.  He volunteers as a guitar teacher in the Guitar Not Guns non-profit, including within the Monterey County juvenile hall system.  He has an established  practice of “lectio divina”, the inspired reading of biblical texts.



Tony Brigantino is an engaging and charismatic presenter with a special knack for using real life examples to help demonstrate the Breakthrough material. He is an adventurous, fun loving man with a zesty view of life.

Tony first learned about Breakthrough from a teenager who had introduced her stepfather to the program. The free intro-night proved to be a beacon for Tony upon hearing these promises, “Breakthrough will provide you with the tools to become a better listener, better husband and better father.” These tools indeed helped Tony become a better listener, better father for his four adult children, and better husband. His wife Christina says “Breakthrough taught Tony how to love”. 
Since 2009 he has continually participated in active roles within the Breakthrough community as self-led group member, Ally, Small Group Leader, Site Committee member, Workshop Coordinator. Tony's current role is Workshop Presenter.

David CArico

David’s Breakthrough journey began as a participant in 1990 when the program was called Options for Men. David immediately saw the value of Breakthrough for his own personal development, and its value in improving the lives of all men. He was inspired to help promote the program and regularly served on leadership teams. He was part of the team that created the first Breakthrough Manual. In order to become a better group facilitator, David completed co-counseling training with the Re-evaluation Counseling community, and diversity training through the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI). David became a presenter in 2021.

In addition to his experience leading men in Breakthrough, David has taught Continuum Movement and participated in workshops in movement, dance, expressive arts, and performance led by Anna Halprin and G. Hoffman Soto of the Tamalpa Institute.  David has been certified in seated massage and social ministry.  He is also currently studying Wisdom Healing Qigong with Master Mingtong Gu. David has two successful adult daughters and enjoys spending time with his two grandsons. Professionally, he is a practicing appellate lawyer.

Danny Krueger

Danny Krueger embarked on his Breakthrough journey as a young father back in 2008, where he found transformative experiences that enriched his personal growth, notably in areas of partnership, fatherhood, and friendship.

Since then, Danny has played pivotal roles within the organization, serving as a Workshop Presenter, a Board of Directors member, and contributing to the Strategic Planning Committee.

He observes that his longstanding dedication to Breakthrough has fostered a mutually beneficial cycle, where his efforts to support others' development have paralleled his own journey towards grace and mindfulness.



John’s Breakthrough experience began as a participant in 1994. Ever since then, he has avidly supported the evolution of the program in a variety of ways, serving regularly on workshop leadership teams, learning and sharing peer counseling techniques, and introducing the community to useful neuroscience principles and mindfulness practices. Diamond Heart, Medicine Wheel, Focusing, Internal Family Systems, Hakomi, and Vipassana meditation have all influenced his understanding of the facilitation of personal transformation. He conducts weekly drop-in groups where participants can experience mindful self-inquiry by using a technique technique called Focusing.

During his 25 year long career as a forensic pathologist John became all too familiar with the tragic circumstances of how so many men die, so discovering what brings men alive has been especially gratifying. Much of his energy in retirement has also been channeled into creating unique forms of word-art that symbolically convey many of the Breakthrough principles and practices, examples of which are displayed on the walls of the Breakthrough Center. All of his work, including books, journal blog, poetry and other resources can be viewed at